![]() Adds a new trigger to start execution of an imaging plan. Every trigger can have a Tag Name. Having a Tag is possible to refer it in another trigger and by this way to create a sequence of triggers. For example we can have tags M63 and M44 and to schedule the M63 will be executed after the M44 end.
![]() Tag Name defines the name of this trigger. Giving a name allows referring this trigger and creation of sequence of triggers.
Execute Plan defines which plan to execute.
Start options define when the trigger starts. It can be fixed time, night event, when an object reaches defined altitude or after completion of other trigger when "Start After Tag" is selected. If you select one of the "On start of..." options or "Start on Altitude above", SessionCraft will remember that it is not fixed time and will calculate the exact moment for the current night, but don't forget that you have to manually enable the option "Execute Plan At Time"!
You can define astro twilight offset and start Astro Night or DSD (when the Moon is below horizon, in other case the offset is not used) a bit earlier via Astro Twilight Offset in Location tab of Settings. Some astro-photographers like to start up to 15-20 minutes earlier when are using narrow-band filters.
Move To Object section allows to execute GoTo++ or GoTo before starting the imaging plan in order to frame the desired object. Name will set the object name which to be used for file naming, folders creation and etc.
Refocus on Start will execute automatic focusing before executing the imaging plan.
Execute till time will keep executing the selected plan till the defined moment. If the plan is shorter it will be restarted, if it longer will be canceled on the start of the next exposure after the defined moment. In brackets is the calculated time when the given coordinates will be below the defined limit.
Execute till altitude will keep executing the selected plan till object altitude gets below the defined limit. If the plan is shorter it will be restarted, if it longer will be canceled on the start of the next exposure after the defined moment.
Next Plan defines what plan to execute after completion of this trigger. It can be combined with Execute till time and/or Execute till altitude. If there is no canceling event defined, the next plan will be executed as soon as the current one finish.
Note: There is logic that prevents from creating loops of triggers. Also when a trigger is selected as "After Tag" it cannot use "Next Plan" option as it creates workflow confusion.
![]() When enabled SessionCraft checks the Safety Monitor and if it reports that the conditions are not safe and the event is happening during the night (required to is to set correct observing site in Location tab of Settings) the selected plan will be executed. The plan can contain a set of script commands to be executed.
This is the top priority trigger and overrides all the other triggers set!
![]() When enabled SessionCraft checks the telescope altitude and if it gets below the defined degrees will execute the selected plan. The plan can contain a set of script commands to be executed.
![]() When enabled will execute the selected plan at the end of the Deep Sky Darkness (when Moon rises or astro twilight starts). The plan can contain a set of script commands to be executed.
You can define astro twilight offset and end DSD (when the Moon is below horizon, in other case the offset is not used) a bit later via Astro Twilight Offset in Location tab of Settings. Some astro-photographers like to finish imaging up to 15-20 minutes later when are using narrow-band filters.
The time in the brackets shows the exact moment for the trigger in the current night. N/A shows that there is no deep sky darkness in the current night.
![]() When enabled will execute the selected plan at the end of the Astro Night (when astro twilight starts). The plan can contain a set of script commands to be executed.
You can define astro twilight offset and end Astro Night a bit later via Astro Twilight Offset in Location tab of Settings. Some astro-photographers like to finish imaging up to 15-20 minutes later when are using narrow-band filters.
The time in the brackets shows the exact moment for the trigger in the current night. N/A shows that there is no astro night in the current night.
![]() When enabled will execute the selected plan at the end of the Night (when Sun rises). The plan can contain a set of script commands to be executed.
The time in the brackets shows the exact moment for the trigger in the current night. N/A shows that there is no true night in the current today.