Take a look on the User's guide.
There are screenshots and explanation for every APT feature.
Below are just few screens.
The Focus Aid - FWHM and HFD focusing methods. Camera tab in DSLR mode.
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The Bahtinov Aid - uses the Bahtinov Grabber technology and the Img Tab (Image Browser).
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The Auto-Focus Aid, FocusCraft and the Tools Tab.
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The Framing Masks helps during multi-nights sessions and the Camera Tab.
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PointCraft, plate-solved image, activated Aim Mode, Gear Tab and Histogram in CCD mode.
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The Plan Editor in DSLR Mode, Camera Tab, Tooltips help.
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The 'Darkness Clock', 'Deep Sky Darkness Calculator', balloon help and auto-stretched image in DSLR mode in background.
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The SessionCraft - makes meridian flip, imaging scheduling and refocusing.
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The Objects Browser - Deep Sky objects tab (21 253 objects).
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The Collimation Aid to help checking and tuning the scope collimation.
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