This aid allows connecting to USB or IP Web Camera and monitoring your setup behavior remotely. It will remember the camera and the selected stream option and the windows size/position. So it possible to take a short look on the camera and to close it many times during the night. Double click on the image will switches to double size of the image and back to previous size in case you want to see something in more details.
Here it is how the aid looks in action:
The settings are quite few. The camera you want to use and the stream option you prefer. There is possible to flip the image in order to be right-side. If you want to use IP camera, but don't know the exact address and the parameters you can use the free "ONVIF Device Manager". It will detect the IP of your camera and also to give the exact ULR of the video stream via "Live video" button. The link to "ONVIF Device Manager" is