

The APT Settings dialog box is accessible from Tools tab or with Alt+S shortcut.
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The CCD/CMOS settings tab contains options related to CCD/CMOS mode.

Color Fits Preview

1.  Color Fits Preview
Enables / disables the color FITS preview in the "LiveView / Image Preview" panel. There is need to select the corresponding Bayer matrix configuration from Bayer Filter list.
Note - this affects only the image preview and is not altering the saved images.

Bayer Filter

2.  Bayer Filter
Defines the Bayer matrix configuration to be used by the de-bayering algorithm.

Store Bayer Pattern

3. Store Bayer Pattern
 Defines if the select bayer pattern should be stored in the FITS header. Allows disabling the Color FITS preview and still to have the pattern stored in the FITS header.

Hide Location

4.  Hide Location
If enabled the site location entered in Location Settings tab will not be stored in the FITS files.

Auto Connect Camera

5.  Auto Connect Camera
When enabled, upon starting APT will try to make a connection to the last used CCD/CMOS camera.

Higher Compatibility

6.  Higher Compatibility
Enable this option if you have problems in using your CCD/CMOS camera.

Disable Min Exposure

7.  Disable Min Exposure
Disables the usage of the minimal exposure duration value reported by the ASCOM driver or INDIGO / INDI . This is work-around for some cameras which report wrong value that doesn't allow flats making.

Auto CCD Profile

8. Auto CCD Profile
If enabled, on CCD/CMOS camera connection, APT will read and calculate the pixel size, sensor with and height from the camera driver. The value will be populated in the Tools tab for usage in the Object Calculator, Object Browser and PointCraft.

Remember binning

9. Remember binning
If enabled the binning set in the Camera tab will be remembered between the APT sessions.

Remember Gain

10. Remember Gain
If enabled the Gain value entered in Camera tab will be remembered between the sessions and will be set automatically on camera connection.

Manage Gain

11. Manage Gain
If enabled the Gain value in Camera tab and per filter values defined in Filter Wheel setting tab will be set in the camera before every taken image. During LiveView or Shoot image will be used the value Camera tab. During plan execution if there are values defined in Filter Wheel setting tab they will be used with higher priority.
If disabled the Gain value in Camera tab and per filter values defined in Filter Wheel setting tab will be ignored. The Gain value control is left completely to the camera driver and driver settings.

Red Channel Color Balance

12. Red Channel Color Balance
Defines the how to scale the red channel in order to color balance the color FITS data. For example 0.5 will divide the red channel values in half. After changing this value you have to reload the current FITS file to see the effect. The Green channel is constant, so to color balance the images you have to find the suitable for your camera red and blue channel scaling factors.
Value 1.0 means no scaling.

Blue Channel Color Balance

13. Blue Channel Color Balance
Defines the how to scale the blue channel in order to color balance the color FITS data. For example 1.5 will multiply the blue channel values by 1.5. After changing this value you have to reload the current FITS file to see the effect. The Green channel is constant, so to color balance the images you have to find the suitable for your camera red and blue channel scaling factors.

Auto Stretch Factor

14.  Auto Stretch Factor
Defines the factor that is used by the Automatic Histogram stretching in CCD/CMOS Histogram mode. The values are between 0.000 and 1.000. The bigger value means more aggressive stretching. The default value is 0.150

Binning limit

15. Binning limit
Defines the maximum usable binning value to be available for LiveView Automation and for imaging. Some cameras support high binning options that are rarely used and by this option you can hide the values that are not used. There is need to reconnect the camera in order changes to be applied.
Leave the value empty to use the full range of supported by the camera binning options.

Cooling Delta

16. Cooling Delta
Defines the acceptable difference between the camera and target temperatures in Cooling/Warming Aids.
Some camera/drivers have difficult times with sub-degree values and require Delta 1.0 or more in order Cooling/Warming Aids to work correctly. Don't change this value if you don't have problems.

Stop Initial Cooling

17. Stop Initial Cooling
When enabled APT will stop the automatic CCD/CMOS cooling that most cameras make on connection time. This allows using the Cooling Aid in Camera tab to make smooth cooling.
Note that cooler will remain turned ON, but will not make cooling.

Pause Cooling

18. Pause Cooling
 When enabled APT will turn off the cooling during image read in order to get clean image. Behavior required by some SBIG cameras.

Open Cooling Aid

19. Open Cooling Aid
When enabled APT will open the Cooling Aid on camera connection for easier cooling start.

Use Ext. Sensor

20. Use Ext. Sensor
When enabled the Warming Aid will use the focuser temperature reading or the reading from External Sensor to define the target warming temperature.

Warming Offset

21. Warming Offset
Defines offset from the ambient temperature to be set as target in the Warming Aid. For example, if the ambient is 12C and the offset is 5C the target will be 7C. The modern CMOS cameras never can reach ambient after deep cooling. 5C to 10C offset can't cause any harm to the cooler.

Check Camera Temperature

22. Check Camera Temperature
Enables / Disables checking if the camera temperature is above the defined limit on imaging plan start. Helps to avoid imaging with un-cooled camera. 

Camera name

23. Camera name
Replaces the camera name reported by the camera driver with the given value. The name will be used in the FITS header, Filename and Camera tab.


24. Reset
Resets the Image ID counter used in the file names of the images taken with CCD/CMOS cameras.

Advanced CCD Settings

25. Advanced CCD Settings
Opens dialog box with rarely used CCD/CMOS settings.
Apply BZERO - In very rare cases is possible to need enabling this option. Don't enable it without a reason!
Disable Auto Orientation - Disables the auto-orientation of the FITS files. Some cameras like QHY 10 MkII need this option to be enabled in order APT to save the images correctly.
ROWORDER Keyword - When "Include ROWORDER" is enabled APT will store the keyword ROWORDER in the FITS header. Keep in mind that this keyword is new and some applications like PixInsight has questionable implementation. Sometimes it could be better not to use it. When "BOTTOM_UP" is enabled APT will store that value in the header, when it unchecked APT will store the value TOP_DOWN.
QHY LiveView Fix - Enable this option if you are experiencing problems with LiveView using QHY camera.