
Aim and GoTo++

The PointCraft is accessible from Gear tab
or with Alt+P shortcut.
When the image on screen is solved you can use the Aim button to activate the Aim mode. It allows determining the celestial coordinates of every point in the current image. Just click in the image with the left mouse button and PointCraft will calculate the RA/Dec of the point (and will mark it with four small circles). The main purpose of the Aim mode is to define the point that you want to be the center of your image. This is very easy way to frame the target object. Using the GoTo++ or regular GoTo, APT will move the telescope to the desired position.
Every time you select a point the coordinates are populated in the 'Center FOV at Position" section (RA/Dec fields) for usage with GoTo++ and also in Gear tab (GoTo Ra/Dec) for usage with regular GoTo.
Here is a screenshot of activated Aim mode and the calculated coordinates of the selected point (marked with four circles).
The GoTo++ is PointCraft feature that makes GoTo with image confirmation of the position. It can makes several iterations of the following automatic steps:
If the error (the distance between the desired and the image coordinates) is smaller than the one defined in PointCraft Settings the GoTo++ is considered as successful. If found error is bigger a new attempt is made till the limit defined in PointCraft Settings is reached.